Pat and Bernie were behind the scenes - photo shoot with Papa! Papa's jet landed around 4:00 p.m. at Andrews Air Force Base in Washington, D.C.
At the Basilica, they enjoy watching the preparation for the outdoor Mass of Canonization to take place Wednesday, September 23. The choir sounded awesome!
They were able to get a sneak peak of the vesting area and Bernie posed with a statue of Mother Teresa.
Mike Clark from WTAE Channel 4 News in Pittsburgh interviewed Pat and Bernie. They made it on the 11:00 p.m. news!
A glorious night sky surrounded the Basilica in anticipation of Pope Francis.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015, Washington, D.C.
The Knights of Columbus banner greeted Pat and Bernadette as they came out of the Metro. We love you, Papa!
Priest's from the order of Apostles of Christ from various countries, including Columbia, South America, where our statues of Mary, Ark of The New Covenant are made posed for a picture.
Pat and Bernie met sweet Megan Jones, who was chosen to proclaim the 2nd Reading at the Mass of Canonization today at 4 pm. The Mass of Canonization was broadcast live on EWTN.
Met Fr. Kevin Dominik, who con-celebrated the Mass of Canonization of Blessed Junipero Serra. Serra Catholic High School in Pittsburgh is named after this Saint and Fr. Kevin is the chaplain at the High School. In 2013, Fr. gave us our first recipes for our cookbook and helped us with the title, "OUT OF THIS WORLD RECIPES & Morsels of Mercy.
They made it inside for the Mass of Canonization.
Papa went by Bern & Pat and blessed them! Then, he came past a second time - total JOY!!
Fr. Andrew White SJ, celebrated the first Mass in the English speaking new world in Maryland with this "cross" in the 16th century.
Before and after the Mass of Canonization for Blessed, now St., Junipero Serra.
Beautiful ending to a beautiful day.
Thursday, September 24, 2015, Washington, D.C.
Providentially this morning on our way to the Capitol to see Papa Francis, we met Stephen and his mom from D.C. (originally from Pittsburgh). Stephen attends St. Joseph's Catholic School. They hope to bring the school to the 23rd International Week of Prayer and Fasting at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. on October 24, 2015.
We were blessed to be in the front handicapped area with our friend, Jan.
Papa tells us, "Move forward, especially with dignity in order to have a new birth of freedom - religious, intellectual, individual."
Papa Francis stops to pray at the statue of St. Junipero Serra, then comes out onto the balcony to bless the thousands of cheering pilgrims.
Steven prays for our Holy Father and for the USA.
We prayed for a "corona rainbow" and God sent one as His sign of hope!