Many of you have asked. The foundation was laid through last week’s newspaper article
Now, the pilgrimage to Rome begins.
A few weeks ago, Bernadette was inspired to begin a new prayer program that will aid in healing those in the body of Christ who have the wounds of abortion. Soon, all of us may anonymously submit the names or initials of those still suffering from the scars of abortion. Individuals will be able to send in their petitions through our websites. The petitions will be taken to the Divine Mercy Chapel in Krakow, Poland to have Holy Mass, the Rosary and The Divine Mercy Chaplet prayed for these specific intentions.
Heaven worked swiftly on Thursday to inspire us to contact Jim, the artist of the ‘original icon,’ in order to paint a new Pro-Life Divine Mercy Icon with babies’ faces. These babies are symbolic of those who have been aborted who continuously pray for their parents to truly receive God’s healing mercy. The Pro-Life Divine Mercy Icon depicts grace and mercy coming through Jesus and Mary, Mother of Mercy and Ark of The New Covenant, especially in the Jubilee of Mercy.
December 7, 2015
Introducing our fellow pilgrims:
Sr. Rose Catherine and Sr. Pia Teresa of The Family of Jacopa Association, Mary, Ark of the Covenant Monastery, Diocese of Steubenville, Ohio. Sue Newman, seamstress of Mary, Ark of New Covenant vestments (chasuble, mitre and matching altar linens) for Pope Francis. See photo of label. Photos of the vestments for Pope Francis will be posted on Wednesday following the audience. Accompanying Sue is her friend Debra Scavo. Both are from CT.
Next we were off to pick up our reserved tickets for the Tuesday, December 8 opening Mass of the Jubilee Year and Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Upon arrival at the Pontifical North American College, we met Fr. James from N. J. He informed us that there is a side altar at a nearby church depicting Mary, Ark of the Covenant.
Finally, selfie at the Trevi fountain.
Special thanks to Sr. Jean for helping us find lodging with the Pallottine Sisters located minutes from the Vatican. Their beautiful chapel allows us time to pray.
It was the 11th hour...and a joyous moment when Pat asked Mother Superior and the Sister from Poland to bake the Lady Jacopa Almond Cookies for Pope Francis. They gave their "Yes!" along with the beautiful silver platter to gift him.
December 8, 2015
We walked to St. Peter's in misty rain, but as the Mass for the Jubilee of Mercy began, the clouds parted and the blue sky shone through.
We were all surprised as Pope Benedict Emeritus was introduced by Pope Francis. Then the Holy Door for the Jubilee of Mercy was officially opened. We received an Apostolic blessing and then Pope Francis led the procession into St. Peter's.
Following the Mass, we had a photo shoot. We especially enjoyed watching the Sisters share the statue and new Pro-Life Divine Mercy Icon with the many pilgrims who inquired and wanted to take pictures with them.
A few more surprises...
At the noon hour, Pope Francis unexpectedly greeted pilgrims and prayed The Angelus from his flag draped window.
The beautiful Nativity and Christmas tree were center stage.
What trip to Rome wouldn't be complete without a picture with the Swiss Guards?
The Jubilee Icon is seen at St. Peter's.
The Sisters immediately became "Street Evangelizers" at the perfect resting spot in front of St. Peter's as we went to pick up our Wednesday Audience tickets.
After finishing their reconsecration to Jesus through Mary, and before reciting their consecration prayer, Bernadette noticed the heart shaped cloud directly above the reserved seating area where we will be seated for the Audience. (For those viewing on EWTN, we will be on the upper reserved platform to the right of Pope Francis)
Another surprise...when we returned, the Sisters were engaged in an interview with the producers of the light show on the facade of St. Peter's through
A perfect ending to Our Lady's Feast Day and the opening of the Jubilee Year was to receive beautiful orchids at dinner from our server.
We visited the chapel and gifted them to Our Lady and prayed for all of you!
December 9, 2015
The gifts were prepared for His Holiness, Pope Francis, consisting of: Statue of Mary, Ark of the New Covenant and custom vestments by Sue Newman, in collaboration with Becky Kaercher and daughter, Jessie Salinas, and benefactor, Elizabeth Morgan, of
The new Pro-Life Divine Mercy Icon completed by artist James Sulkowski, depicting the babies who are praying for their parents who are in need of healing through God's Mercy in this Jubilee year.
The "Out of this WORLD RECIPES & Morsels of Mercy" cookbook/prayer book and dozens of St. Francis' favorite 'Lady Jacopa Almond Cookies' (page 202 in cookbook)
Program booklet for Family Eucharistic Holy Hour, Preborn Jesus prayer card, "Come to Me, all of you..." prayer card, and The Renna Family Sings Divine Mercy CD.
We were so excited to start our day at sunrise. We were one of the first through security and in our seating on the upper platform. Mary, Ark joined us in anticipating Pope Francis' arrival.
As soon as we unwrapped the Pope's vestments, and draped them over the railing, a pillar of rainbow light appeared.
Many Bishops and Cardinals were in attendance, as well as dignitaries and new brides and grooms.
His Holiness arrived and we could hardly believe we were so near the presence of the Vicar of Christ. All of our eyes welled with tears, but especially Sue's when his eyes gazed upon the beautiful chasuble of Mary, Ark of The New Covenant. It was her dream come true!
Papa Francis gave a huge smile and wave as he eyed the statue and icon that we had lifted for him to see!
As the audience opened, Pope Francis placed a beautiful white rose to honor Our Lady.
As usual, his teaching inspired all to share Gods Mercy especially in the Jubilee year.
Pope Francis led us in the Our Father, blessed us and emphasized the blessing would be extended to our children.
Cardinals and Bishops greeted the Holy Father and then he came to our section to greet us and receive our humble gifts.
Even though we didn't have a 'selfie' with Papa, the abundant blessings outweighed any photos. We hope all of you received special blessings, because you were in our prayers this day.
Our gifts and letters have been humbly given and graciously received. We love you, Papa Francesco!
On Tuesday, at the beginning of the Jubilee Year, Pope Francis blessed and opened the Holy Door for all pilgrims to journey to the Father for forgiveness.
As we walked through the Holy Door, we prayed for you and your intentions.
Also, see the official icon for the Jubilee.
Inside we prayed at Michelangelo's famous Pieta, St. John Paul II's tomb, at the main altar and throughout this beautiful Basilica in the Eternal City.
This afternoon, the group toured the Sistine Chapel and Vatican Museum. During that time, Pat decided to tour the cupola at the Vatican.
The view was breathtaking and the climb literally took Pat's breath away! Over 500 narrow steps.
Pat met a great couple from Poland, Adam and Patricia.
A beautiful ending to a beautiful day!
December 10, 2015
The pilgrimage continues:
We enjoyed the beautiful sunrise as we praised and glorified God in song and prayer traveling to Assisi.
Our first stop was at San Damiano.
Our Lady of the Angels Church and the Portciuncula where Francis and his Friars lived, prayed, and where he died.
The Rose Garden when he threw himself into the thorns on the roses when temped by impure thoughts. Miraculously after that trial, God removed the thorns from those rose bushes. When we looked up, we saw the live doves cooing sweetly.
The Nativity scene with Francis holding Baby Jesus and our photo with the statue of Francesco.
Being in Assisi at the tombs of Sts. Clare and Francis, we were inspired to choose St. Clare (girl babies) and St. Francis (boy babies) to be the Patrons of the new prayer apostolate for the Restoration of Relationships between babies and their parents who have aborted. This Apostolate is being launched at the beginning of this Jubilee Year of Mercy through Preborn Jesus Ministry and Jesus - The Divine Mercy Foundation.
The Pro-Life Divine Mercy Icon was placed below the original San Damiano Crucifix that spoke to Francis in the 1200's to restore His church.
Sister from the Poor Clare Sister's accepted the icon and assured us of their prayers for this new initiative.
Father blessed us at the tomb of Francis and Mass will be offered for this new branch of our ministries.
This new apostolate is the fruit of reconsecration to Jesus through Mary, The Ark.
Please join us in praying with St. Clare and St. Francis for the Restoration to begin.
As we make our way to the Basilica of St. Clare we catch a glimpse of the magnificent sunset.
Prayers are prayed before the original San Damiano Crucifix.
We went to evening Mass at the church in the Piazza del Comune (The Town Square) where Francis renounced his wealth before the Bishop, his father, and the townspeople.
View of the Basilica of St. Francis from the hotel balcony.
December 11
We walked to the beautiful Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi.
A few days prior, Pope Francis blessed the Christmas tree and the Creche placed in the original immigrant boat. Pope Francis was deeply moved as he listened to the immigrants’ incredible stories.
Did you know that St. Francis had a dear friend named Lady Jacopa? Her remains are directly across from his in the crypt of the Basilica.
On September 14, 2015, our dear friends Sr. Rose Catherine and Sr. Pia Teresa founded the Family of Jacopa Assoc. centering their works on those of Lady Jacopa.
It was an emotional time as the Sisters descended the stairs towards her tomb. They were deeply moved and prayerful in the presence of Lady Jacopa's reliquary.
We arrived at the tomb of St. Francis (our newly chosen patron for the aborted baby boys).
We met a Friar who accepted our request for a Mass to help launch this new work of mercy and he gave us a special blessing.
In the upper church, we spotted a fresco of Lady Jacopa.
As you can see, Sr. Rose's habit is patterned after Lady Jacopa's.
We attended Mass at the upper Church. We looked up and were astonished to see first the stars in the fresco with God the Father and then even more astounded to view the faces of the babies on each side of God...similar to the way James initially painted them in the icon!
Steps leading up to the Upper Church and life- size Creche, giving us a beautiful panoramic view of the Basilica and Umbria Valley.
The two frescos signify Francis' call to rebuild the church which was lying in ruins.
The streets of Assisi are well known for their quaint shops and we were drawn to one in particular.
To our amazement, after seeing a bag of "Mostaccioli Cookies," our young salesman, Andrea, assured us that these "Mostaccioli Cookies" are the ones St. Francis loved and not the Almond Cookies we have listed in our cookbook/prayer book, Out of this WORLD RECIPES & Morsels of Mercy! Hmmm, maybe this is one of the reasons we all needed to come to order to join with the Sisters of the Family of Jacopa Association to begin to bake the AUTHENTIC "Mostaccioli Cookies?" Only time will tell!
How sweet of Andrea to gift us with the "Mostaccioli Cookies!"
We are most grateful to God for giving us St. Clare and St. Francis as the new patrons of our work of mercy initiative to help to bring restoration and healing to the aborted babies and their families and to assist in rebuilding the church.
Selfie of Bernadette and Pat filled with Franciscan joy after receiving many blessings during their time in Assisi.
December 12, 2015
Our day began with a delicious breakfast in San Giovanni Rotondo and a beautiful sunrise as we made our way past his hospital on our way to visit our beloved Padre Pio whose body is incorrupt in the crypt of the new Basilica.
We attended Mass for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the crypt of St. Pio Basilica. Also, visited his museum with many relics.
More relics and letters Padre Pio received asking for prayers and healing people received.
Blessing with the stigmatic glove and crucifix.
One of our favorite 'works of mercy' is reaching out to children at the St. John Paul II Policlinic. We prayed with them and gifted them with World Mission Rosaries.
None of this could have happened without our faithful driver, Edgar. What a great guy!
Praying with more special children and their families.
We stopped to visit Maria at the International headquarters for the Padre Pio Prayer Groups.
Selfie with Pio!
December 12 is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Preborn Jesus Ministry and Jesus -The Divine Mercy Foundation re consecrated our Prolife Ministries to Our Lady in Our Lady of Grace church in San Giovanni Rotondo.
We visited Lanciano to venerate Our Lord in His Real Presence in the Eucharistic Miracle. The miracle occurred to a Basilian monk in the 8th century who doubted the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. We viewed the original altar in the crypt where the actual miracle took place.
Back in Rome and a quick stop at the Coliseum and a view of St. Peter's.
December 13
The Jubilee Year calls pilgrims to works of mercy. The Holy Father opened a homeless shelter named "Gift of Mercy," two blocks from the Vatican (we later realized after searching for days, it was right under our nose at the bottom of the hill from our convent lodging). It is run by Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity.
We were privileged to meet Mother Superior Paulina and to offer our assistance to help serve at the soup kitchen and gift the men with World Mission Rosaries. We presented her with a gift for the shelter - a replica of our new Pro-Life Divine Mercy icon symbolizing the babies’ prayers and love for their parents that will help restore their families through God's mercy.
Mother Paulina stressed to us how dear the sanctity of life was to Mother Teresa and assured us that Mother Teresa would be interceding for our apostolate. She was drawn to the replica statue of the one we just gifted to Pope Francis.
Mother Paulina took us to their chapel and their courtyard to view the large statue of Mother Teresa.
They also opened a shelter for the homeless women.
We shared our mission with Francesco, the doctor from Brazil who was helping the Sisters.
It was a joy to be in the presence of both Mother Superior Rose Catherine and Mother Superior Paulina as they shared the works of their orders.
Before leaving, we prayed together asking Mother Teresa's intercession for the homeless, the restoration of the babies with their families, and all the works of mercy we do for God's glory.
The pink and blue sky was glorious as we departed.