I was born in Pittsburgh and have lived here most of my life. Though currently retired, I still serve as a Parish Consultant with
The Augustine Institute
. Through our parish and academic programs, our mission is to equip Catholics intellectually, spiritually, and pastorally to renew the Church and transform the world for Christ. I have facilitated Adult Faith Formation classes throughout the diocese as a part of this mission. Prior to retirement, I worked for 23 years for Allegheny County Dept. of Human Services, 8 years with Children and Youth Services and the remainder with Area Agency on Aging. I am a widower, father, and grandfather. I have 3 adult children, 2 sons and a daughter, and 2 granddaughters. In my late 20’s, l studied with the Franciscans of the Third Order Regular (TOR), living in community with them for 2 years. I consider myself a lifetime learner and continue to study new subjects whenever I can. My hobbies include exercise, reading, music, gardening, and traveling. My current affiliations include the Secular Franciscan Order, the
Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy
and the
Knights of Columbus
. I believe that God is always directing us in our lives, providing us every moment with opportunities to grow closer to Him. There are no accidents. He guides us through the people He’s placed in our lives, the circumstances in which we find ourselves, and all that we experience.